Breathe PR becoming a freelancer blog post

Thinking about becoming a freelance PR consultant? Here’s what you should know.

It takes a lot of confidence and guts to give up a full-time waged position to launch a career as a freelance marketing or PR consultant. Many people either start doing freelance work in their spare time, or make the leap after they’ve been made redundant.

It can be hard to know where to start. I was made redundant from a full-time editor’s position, and had already started making contacts and doing freelance work in my spare time. I had been re-thinking my career for some time so I was fully prepared to make the leap.

However, there’s so much that you don’t know when you start out as a freelancer. Do you set up a website and social media first? Where do you even find clients? There are many questions that run through your head.

See the below guide on setting up as an independent freelance consultant, and creating a business strategy that ensures you have a long and fulfilling career.

1. Think about what you offer

What are your core services and skills? Work out how they help businesses, and ultimately why someone would buy them from you. What value are you offering to that business? You should come back to this every year and refresh your whys and hows, as your skills grow as your business develops.

2. Admin and business set-up

Take some time to research how you want to set up your business. Many people start off as sole traders, then perhaps set up a limited company if they feel it would benefit them at a later date.

The Government’s website is the best place to start to ensure you have all the correct information about setting up as a sole-trader or limited company. There are pros and cons to both ways of setting up a business, but being a sole trader is by far the easiest initially in terms of admin and accounting.

3. Think about your accounts 

Even if you have no idea how to do your accounts when the time comes, make sure you get organised from the beginning. This can be as basic as keeping all your business receipts in an envelope and entering all your incomings and outgoings on a spreadsheet. If you don’t do this as you go along it can take a VERY long time to dig through all your bank statements and shaking old receipts out of bags to put together your accounts.

There are many good digital cloud-based accounting software option now, so it’s worth looking at Quickbooks or Xero. Find a good accountant who can ensure your tax return (and company accounts if you’re a limited company) are filed on time correctly.

Keep on top of your bookkeeping weekly or monthly and you’ll be fine.

4. Equipment – what do I need? 

You will need a decent quality laptop or desktop computer to work on, so if there’s an investment to be made, I would suggest it’s here! Most people already have a home computer, so it’s absolutely fine to just start working using the equipment that you have. Do not go and buy loads of new expensive computing equipment on a credit card – you’re probably better to earn the money before you start spending it.

5. Invoicing

If you’ve never invoiced anyone before, it can certainly be daunting. However, invoices are best kept basic – you can get set up either in a Word document, or using a template in your accounting software. The important information to include is:

  • Client name and address
  • Your business name and business address
  • Outline of what work the invoice covers and the month/ date of work
  • How much money is owed
  • Payment terms (this should already be agreed with the client before the work began)
  • Your bank transfer details (account name, account number and sort code)

6. Know your rates

Before you agree work with a client, you need to have an idea of what your hourly or day rates are. The best way to do this initially is to find out what other freelancers charge. A freelancer’s day rate will always be more than a waged salary divided into a day rate, because it also covers their tax, pension, holiday and sick days.

It’s fine to be flexible with your rates, but always know what your lowest rate would be and stick to it.

7. Get your finances in order

It’s a huge leap to make the move from a regular salaried wage, which is paid on the same date every month to the life of a freelancer, who has to regularly chase invoices. So, it’s time to get organised with your money. When you do get paid, make sure you allocate some of it to savings for tax and emergencies and decide how much you will pay yourself.

When you are properly up and running, it’s a better idea to pay yourself a regular wage on the same date every month, keeping anything that is left over for tax and NI payments, holidays and quiet times.




benefits of using a freelance pr

Benefits of using an independent freelance PR consultant

There is a huge industry of PR and marketing freelancers, quietly supporting businesses all around Manchester, Cheshire, Lancashire and indeed – the whole of the UK. In fact, recent data by IPSE has found that there were two million freelancers working in the UK, of all professions, in 2016, and that figure increased by 43% from 2008 – 2016.

Of course, there are a huge amount of benefits to employing a freelance PR and marketing consultant to fill a skills gap within a business, as opposed to a full-time employee or a PR agency, for example. However, many businesses have never worked with a freelance marketing consultant before and aren’t quite sure whether it will be worth their investment.

I’ve put together a list of benefits to using a freelance business consultant, but I’d be interested to know of any more that business owners or other freelancers think are important to them.

  1. Lower costs than a PR agency

Let’s go straight in with the money factor, because on top of all the other benefits, money talks. A freelancer on two to four days per month will always work out less than employing a PR agency or a full-time employee.

A freelance consultant will always have much lower overheads than an agency as they don’t have to pay for an office, business rates, employees’ salaries and all the other costs of running a business. Most freelancers work from a laptop, so could be at home, in a coffee shop or a co-working space.

And compared to a full-time employee you aren’t responsible for paying their National Insurance, tax, pension contributions, holiday or sick pay.

  1. No long-term contracts

I usually work on 30 day terms with my clients, which is a definite bonus for any type of business in order to remain flexible and responsive to their own financial needs. If the relationship isn’t working for them or their circumstances change, they can end the working relationship with one month’s notice – and no hard feelings at all. Many times, I find a PR client comes back to me when they have another project in mind, or they need another service like social media or website copywriting, for example.

Compare this to a permanent employee’s rights, and that is an amazing freedom for a growing business. In comparison, many large PR agencies require a three month contract to terminate a business relationship, which can be a significant commitment for a small business.

If preferable you can also employ freelancers on project by project basis if you have specific campaigns that need rolling out.

  1. Top level senior professionals 

All of the freelance PR and marketing consultants that I know (including myself of course) have worked for large agencies and businesses as very senior professionals, so as a full-time employee can command high figures. For their own reasons, they choose to work as an independent consultant, hireable by the month, day or the hour. This means your small business can afford incredibly high quality PR and marketing support, without the £40k+ annual salary.

  1. Becoming part of your team

Like most consultants, I enjoy working alone and am more than motivated enough to get up every day and be very productive from home – with the added benefits of being able to put the washing machine on.

However, my ideal client will treat me as one of their team, sharing information and including me on new developments and updates so I can fully understand the company and how it works and use that to find the best PR strategies and tactics.

This doesn’t mean I need to be invited out on the Christmas do, but you really can get the most of a freelance consultant by treating them as part of your extended team when it comes to day-to-day business.

  1. Flexible contracts

Although any independent consultant will appreciate steady and consistent contracts, I am always willing to work with a company’s ups and downs, as long as they are honest and keep me updated as soon as possible. Many businesses have seasonal and peak periods, so need to up their media relations and marketing for a few months or the year and reduce them at other times.

This just would not be possible with a permanent member of staff, and is harder to negotiate with a larger agency.

  1. You get a contract with one person and one person alone

It is an enormous benefit to build an ongoing business relationship with just one consultant, rather than employing a PR agency. Having worked for many (very good) PR agencies, as a business owner you still run the risk that the team you meet on pitch day might not be the team you work with on a day-to-day basis. You might only get to see the account director on quarterly meetings, and your day-to-day business is dealt with by junior account execs. With a freelance consultant, you know that is the person you will build your relationship with and who will be representing your business on your behalf at all times.

  1. Remote working benefits

If you find the right freelancer for the job with all the right skills and an amazingly relevant work history, it doesn’t matter if they don’t live in the same city or town as you. I have clients all over the UK, and some of them I might only meet face-to-face once a year.

This means you can expand your pool of talent to find the right person, with the right skills for your business, without being bound by geography and commuting times, as you would with a full-time employee.

Most of our day-to-day work will be via email or updated on Trello, with phone calls for detailed discussion and quick responses. There are multitudes of ways to work alongside a freelance PR or marketing consultant, so unlike a permanent employee, you don’t need them to be able to drive into the office every day.

Coronavirus update: now we all know that it’s possible to work remotely from your team, with the technology that we have available to us now.

8. Networks with other freelance consultants and specialists 

The PR, marketing and digital industry, particularly in Manchester, is very close with lots of networks, collaboration and events. When you find a good freelance consultant, they can draw upon their network of contacts across marketing, web design, SEO, digital marketing and graphic design for any other project requirements.

In fact, you can also be introduced to other freelance PR consultants who may specialise in your area. I often make introductions for prospective clients to other freelancers who I think would suit their needs perfectly.


As you can see from the above, there are multitudes of perks to commissioning a freelancer to support your business.




Freelance PR carolyn hughes

Breathe PR – A new business name for 2017

So, I finally decided to change my business name from that of a freelancer to a small PR consultancy. And so, Carolyn Hughes Communications Ltd became Breathe PR at the end of 2016, which was timely for a fresh January start.

The name Breathe PR reflects a way of life that is probably opposed to the way most PR agencies work. As a former stress-head, my new business name is a reminder to just breathe. And as stupid as it may initially sound, sometimes we all need to remember to just breathe in these stress-filled office-based lives.

I initially set up as a freelance PR consultant in 2008 and since then I have run my own business and worked for quite a few PR agencies on long-term contracts, which has meant some very busy and stressful times. I then had two children in quick succession so the busy times got even busier.

I feel that the new business name reflects a shift in mindset to remember to enjoy life instead of being stuck in a head-down work mode. This can be hard when you enjoy your work and really enjoy getting stuck into a project. But I’ve (finally) realised that it’s better to be fresh and work smarter having taken a proper break from work at the weekends and evenings.

The name Breathe PR also takes into account my love for nature, gardening outdoors as well as growing indoor plants, so I used a terrarium shape for my new logo to reflect that part of my personality. I have also decided to specialise in doing PR and marketing for environmental, horticulture, interiors & homes business, independent businesses as well as arts organisations and charities.

I work with all kinds of clients, and also do some white-label work for some larger PR agencies and digital agencies. Although I’ve named my business as a PR agency, I actually have just as many copywriting, SEO and social media clients as PR.

Follow me on my new business pages for updates and over-sharing on growing a small business.